Total Petroleum
Large Petroleum Tanks

LORD performed the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning of the Storage Expansion, Water Treatment, Butanization & Fire Fighting of the Guaynabo Bulk Terminal in Puerto Rico for Total Petroleum. The main objective of the project was to increase the overall storage capacity of the terminal and it was met by the construction of two new tanks each with a storage capacity of approximately 150,000 barrels. The tanks are steel vertical tanks, aboveground, with a concrete wall secondary containment system. The tanks increased the site storage working capacity by around 285,000 barrels. In addition to the increase in storage capacity, LORD also performed the following improvements: Construction of a Butane storage mounded vessel and associated facilities, South bund wall repair and reinforcement, repurposing of gasoline tanks to Jet fuel (2), Complete Terminal Fire Protection System Improvements including a New Fire Fighting and Foam Building.